Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tilt-shift pictures

Bern, Switzerland
Schloss Castle, Heidelberg, Germany
Somewhere in Germany
Copenhagen, Denmark

I visited a blog of a husband/wife photography couple that I met during the Tour of California and I really liked some of their photos. ( I had not heard of tilt shift photos, but it makes the picture look miniature by making the photo blurry. It sounds like there are three ways to create them. One is to have a fancy schmancy lens for your camera. The other is by a website I finally found. You can also use Adobe Photoshop but I don't have a Mac and not sure you can use it with Windows like me.

Anyway, go to and upload a picture. Then you can move the 'bar' up and down the photo to select the area that will stay in focus. You can then widen the Focus area by the slide bar below the picture. After making those changes hit 'Preview'. The picture is really too small to see if you like it, but you can then download it to your computer, or just preview. Select 'Get full size' and then below that will appear a 'Click here' link to download it. You'll get a photo similar to the ones I uploaded here. Oh, I think it's better to use landscape/cityscape scenes that show a lot of detail. Kind of neat and thought I'd pass this along!


Haley D. said...

That is so cool!!! Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try sometime.

Suzy ~ lorenzstudio said...

Lovin' it!

Traveling Bells said...

Hmmm, I might have to try that!...xoxoxo

Debora Quigley said...

that is cool Brian I can't wait to try it! I have both amac and windows, one will work.